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Tuesday 22nd August 2000                                                                                                                                     

Studio 2, Abbey Road, London.

Not exactly a Cavern Beatles story this, but worth a mention nevertheless was the day Roy and I spent in Studio 2 at Abbey Road.
Haré Georgeson were invited to take part in a project called "Why Don't We Do It in Abbey Road".  Beatle tribute bands from around the world were asked to record one song at the studios for a CD of original music with a Beatle influence.  We were all very excited.  Even getting in this place is honour enough, to get to record here is something most musicians can only dream of.  Our session was booked to start at 9am, so we drove through the night to be sure of not getting snarled up in traffic.  Producer, Will Schillinger, did not arrive until 11am, so we spent a couple of hours just soaking up the atmosphere of the room where so much amazing music has been recorded.  It may seem odd, but I truly felt that the music had been soaked into the walls of this place.  It was the strangest experience I have ever felt, like walking into some magnificent cathedral, it commanded reverence and respect.
Our keyboard player Eddie Whelan, not being a Beatle fan was not overawed by the fact that 95% of the Fabs recorded work was done in this very room.  But he had to admit to feeling a little humbled when we told him Dark Side of The Moon was also recorded here.


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